The Requirements for Wielding Your Personal Power
Okay, so you want to develop your personal power to boost your confidence and accomplish your goals. You already, of course, have a checklist in place that breaks down all the things you can start focusing on. However, there is yet another list of things that you must commit yourself to doing. And checking off this list of requirements will allow you to fully wield your personal power.
Having Clear Written Goals
Personal power requires clarity. It requires knowing what you want and how you plan to accomplish those things. And this is, of course, where your personal goals come into the picture.
When you set clear goals you lay down the foundations for an objective you are working toward. This objective drives and propels you forward through the toughest of times. Moreover, if gives you clarity. It provides you with a sense of certainty that you will develop the necessary skills and acquire the relevant knowledge and experience needed to accomplish your goal. And that’s essentially where personal power comes from.
Personal power comes from certainty. And certainty comes from clarity. And when you have certainty and clarity, you feel empowered and confident. This is why it’s absolutely critical to set clear goals for all the things you would like to accomplish in your life.
Adapting to Changing Conditions
Personal power requires having the ability to adapt to changing conditions and circumstances. It requires being proactive and staying mindful of your thoughts, choices, and actions. Only when we’re mindful can we see things clearly, and therefore adapt accordingly to the conditions of our life.
When you have personal power, you work through your problems with a deep sense of confidence and self-assurance. This self-confidence transforms how you see your world. It transforms how you perceive and interpret all the problems, challenges and obstacles you face.
It’s, of course, not always easy to adapt. Sometimes, you have limited options, inadequate resources, and very little time. However, as long as you stay mindful and open-minded, you will find the personal power you need to carry you though.
Redirecting Disruptive Emotions and Impulses
Personal power requires taming and/or redirecting your emotional impulses. It also requires overcoming unhelpful habits that hold you back from being your best self in every situation.
When you wield your personal power, you have very clear goals and objectives for every situation. Any emotions or habitual impulses that divert you off this path are self-sabotaging forces that hold you back from being your best self.
Given this, it’s important to develop your emotional intelligence and to work on overcoming unhelpful habits that may hold you back from accomplishing your desired objectives.
Developing Drive and Focus
Personal power requires having a drive and focus that consistently pushes you forward toward your desired outcome.
Developing drive and focus, of course, isn’t easy. It requires having self-belief; it requires trusting yourself to make the right decisions at the right time; it requires energy, enthusiasm, a positive outlook, and ambition to get you through the toughest of times.
You then need to channel everything toward your goals. Only in this way will you progressively develop the momentum and confidence you need that will carry you forward toward you desired outcome.
Expressing Your Desires and Needs Effectively
Personal power requires understanding how to express your needs, desires and wants effectively.
Personal power is about having the confidence to be yourself, to express how you feel, and to share your beliefs and opinions without fear of judgment, rejection or criticism. It’s about being assertive and confidently stating what you want, then doing whatever is required to bring those desires to reality.
Being assertive, of course, doesn’t mean being aggressive. Assertiveness is more about confidence and intention rather than aggression. It’s about knowing exactly what you want, and then tactfully and respectfully pursuing that outcome. You certainly won’t always get what you want, but that’s when you need to be adaptable and adjust your approach when facing resistance.

Committing Yourself to Self-Development
Personal power requires a commitment to self-development. In other words, it requires committing yourself to lifelong learning — to progressively and consistently acquiring the necessary knowledge, experience, and skills that can help propel you forward toward your goals.
However, self-development is also about mindset. It’s about growing and developing your mind and your emotional resilience. Likewise, it’s about growing and developing your self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. These are the things that essentially fuel your personal power. They are the things that transform you from a reluctant wannabe hero, into the superhero of your own life.